advertising, beauty photography, fashion photography, hair, jewelry, makeup

Jewelry Photography on Model Sasha Mart, Official New York

I am pleased to share some images from a recent photo shoot for jewelry atelier Zhell. Designer Shell Weinz is a long time collaborator. She is a brilliant creative with a strong sense of style and distinct point of view. Her pieces are unique with a delicate industrial vibe.

Shell and I cast model Sasha Mart with Official Model Management NY. We fell in love with her red hair, freckled, porcelain complexion, and wonderful energy, Another long time, super talented collaborator Veronika Robova provided hair and makeup having the very difficult assignment to make the beautiful Sasha more beautiful.

We shot in studio with a solid white backdrop lit to look grey, The lighting is clean and dramatic to bring out the beauty of the collection.

I am attaching a few images we created that were retouched by the talented Albina Annen.
